In the events calendar of Spačva, visitors can follow and enjoy a variety of annual events. From traditional cultural and sports events, e.g. the Noć muzeja (the Museum Night) and the Pokladno jahanje (the Carnival Horseback Riding), to local festivals, such as the Festival hrvatske šokačke drame (the Festival of the Croatian Šokac drama) and the Advent u Bošnjacima (the Advent in Bošnjaci), every month provides an opportunity to experience the true richness and hospitality of this unique region.
3.-9.1.2024. 28. Open Bošnjaci – International chess tournament
21.1. The Carnival Horseback Riding in Bošnjaci
26.1. Night of the Museum – Forestry Museum in Bošnjaci
The Carnival Horseback Riding in Otok
24.-28.3. The exhibition of Easter baskets in the Forestry Museum, Bošnjaci
Puppet Spring Otok, Bošnjaci, Vrbanja
Lent concert, Vrbanja
26.4. KRSTARI – presentation of a traditional children’s custom The St. Philip’s Girls – workshop for children
Folk poetry evening “In our Komletinci”
28.4. Walk of The St. Philip’s Girls on the streets of Komletinci – presentation of protected intangible cultural heritage
Review of spring customs – performance of KUDs
Easter horse riding in Strošinci – (Sunday, New Easter)
9.5. The tour cruises through the streets of the Otok
12.5. Celebration of 100 years of NK Otok; exhibition match
Promotion of Vladimir Ćirić’s book “One Hundred Years of Football in Otok – Football Club Otok 2002”. – 2023″
10.-19.5. Actor’s Festival (City of Otok, host of the festival)
19.5. Remembrance evening on the occasion of 50 years of the male singing group “Baće iz Bošnjak”
20.5. A tour of the kingfishers through the streets of the Otok
22.5. Children’s Spring of Otok (Cultural Center, Otok)
22.5. Ceremonial session of the municipal council, Bošnjaci
23.5. Children sing hits (Cultural Center, Otok)
23.5. Promotion of the book “An Angel Born in Darkness” by Megy White – On the occasion of the second anniversary of the opening of the National Library and Reading Room in Bošnjaci
24.5. Ceremonial opening of the 32nd Spring in Otok (Cultural Center, Otok)
24.5. Fišijada and the performance of the tambura band “Pravi put”, Bošnjaci
25.5. Football match – veterans of FC Zrinski Bošnjaci and guests
Concert tambura ensemble “Stipa & banda sviračka”, Bošnjaci
Concert Opća opasnost, Bošnjaci
26.5. Holy Mass for the victims of the ”Krvavih bošnjačkih izbora”
Clay pigeon shooting competition, Bošnjaci
Jubilee concert with guests – on the occasion of 50 years of the male singing group “Baće iz Bošnjaka”
26.5. The Golden Manes – equestrian event with various sports competitions and games (Hippodrom Čistine, Otok)
Wedding procession passing through the streets of the city
Ceremonial parade of KUDs
Event of wedding teams
Folkloric entertainment evening (Square, Otok)
31.5. Paint & Gin – painting workshop with local gin tasting, Bošnjaci
31.5. Opening 15th Moto meets (Hippodrom Čistine, Otok), Rock concert Fair play band
Children’s football tournament in Vrbanja – National Day
Days of the Bošnjaci municipality – “Bloody elections in Bošnjaci on the 22nd May 1897”
1.6. Parade through the streets of the city, Moto games, Rock concert Brkovi (Hippodrome Čistine, Otok)
1.-2.6. Croatian festival of “šokačka drama”, Bošnjaci
8.6. 21. Kulenijada of Otok (Otočki Virovi)
9.6. Proclamation of the 21st champion of Kulenijada of Otok and degustation (Square, Otok)
9.6. Fun games – Active, conscious and healthy (Stadion, Komletinci)
22.6. ”Bošnjačanima, ma gdje bili” (The Slavonian house, Bošnjaci)
22.6.-23.6. Celebrating 100 years of the Cultural and artistic society “Posavac” Vrbanja
29.6. Day of Croatian Veterans (Stadium, Otok)
Tribune for the prevention of addiction – preventive educational activity aimed at combating addiction and adopting healthy lifestyles, Vrbanja
13.7. Day of the city of Otok – concerts in Otok and Komletinci
Futsal tournament in Bošnjaci
Night soccer tournament in Vrbanja and Soljani
Presentation of the Monograph of FC Slavonac Komletinci
Children’s oratorio – for primary school children, Vrbanja
27.7. Days of Slovaks in Soljani
Barbecue mastery in Bošnjaci
Volleyball tournament – Zvjezdangrad in Soljani
Days of the Municipality of Vrbanja – fish festival, shepherd’s festival, football tournament, fair of traditional crafts and OPG, Art Colony, concert
Days of Vanja Drach, Bošnjaci
Saint Martin – church year in Bošnjaci
Realism of the blind alley, Bošnjaci
National chess championship for women, Bošnjaci
Advent in Bošnjaci
Christmas fair in Otok
Christmas play for children, Vrbanja
Advent in the Municipality of Vrbanja – Advent fair and concert